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Welcome to the latest round of anon-hosted Wurm: Brotunheim.

What is Wurm Unlimited?

Wurm Unlimited is proto-minecraft but with 200% more autism. Everything is a skill grind, so often villages/kingdoms will be made of many specialists, each contributing with their unique skills. Be a magic priest, a local smith, a seasoned fighter, or even a cheesemaker. Build massive forts, raid enemy towns, and grab some friends to fight the goblin king.The gameplay itself is slower paced, but we've increased the action timers to alleviate this.

What is Brotunheim?

Brotunheim is the latest in a long tradition of anon-hosted Wurm servers. If you've ever wanted to see what a real sandbox experience is like without moderators/admins coddling both gameplay and chat, this is it. The servers tend to have a theme unique to them, with previous servers focusing on magic, overarching quests, or megadungeons. The theme for Brotunheim will be "trade", with more information on specifics in the coming weeks before launch on August 2nd.

This server went live August 2nd 2022, but is currently closed. Stay tuned, the 6 month wait is almost over(again)!

Server Name: Brotunheim

IP: closed
Port: closed

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