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Here are the general settings:

Action/Exp rates: 3x/3x

Priest Settings:

  • No restrictions (Can do any action/improve)

  • Cross-faith linking (you can link with priests from other faiths)

  • No daily limit, no delay between prayers

(7/7)With the current settings, you can get 50 faith in an hour, more if you focus on it. This lets people who want to priest early do so, and with no limits you won't have to worry about missing a day and falling behind the curve.

Theme: Trade and logistics. Merchants will appear scattered around the land, and will buy bulk goods at a premium. Be ready to ride out with friends, both for trade or banditry!

Kingdoms: Everyone in Freedom kingdom, inter-kingdom pvp enabled. True chaos as you can form alliances and wage war with whoever you choose!

Mod Overview: Wyvrnmod, treasuremaps, and many QoL additions. See the mod page for full details, or the properties page for full .properties files.

Alts: Currently allowed, but with the understanding that they will not be heavily leaned on. You may have an alt for convenience jobs, but do not use them for profiting from trade, grinding skills, or combat.

Funny Programs That Do Things: I really don't want to know what kind of dolphin porn executables you have on your computer. Configure your client however you want, run whatever mod you please. All I ask is that you be at your computer while you are playing and be present in conversations/activities. Also, please don't do anything that a normal player couldn't do (no breaking the sound barrier as an example).

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